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2 Seasons

Your 20s can be tricky, especially when you're easily distracted like Anne. But if she can navigate her turbulent love life and balance girlfriends, ex-girlfriends, friends, and career, she might be able to master adulthood.

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  • Anne+: Anne+ Lily and Janna

    Episode 1

    When Anne runs into her first girlfriend, Lily, the encounter sends her down memory lane as she reminisces their stable but predictable relationship. Then came Janna, who was the polar opposite: wild and wildly irresponsible.

  • Anne+: Anne+ Sofie and Esther

    Episode 2

    Anne's trip down memory lane continues with Sofie, the girl she put on a pedestal but could never quite pin down. Then came Esther, an older woman and her former boss, who wanted more than an illicit workplace affair.

  • Anne+: Anne+ Sara and Anne

    Episode 3

    Anne's last girlfriend, Sara, was her dream girl, but there was just one issue: she wasn't completely sure of her sexual identity. Now, back to present day, Anne is on her own. But will she stay single long or will someone come knocking?