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Up Next in Season 1

  • 1994: Berlusconi Rising: Episode 5

    In his villa, Berlusconi tries to heal the rift with his government ally Bossi. But, the summer holiday is marked by the death of a member of the Forza Italia Party staff: a terrible foreboding of what is about to happen to the government.

  • 1994: Berlusconi Rising: Episode 6

    While Berlusconi is engaged in Naples for the UN summit on organized crime, Leo has to find a pair of earrings snatched from the wife of the Finnish Justice Minister, before the media gets wind of it.

  • 1994: Berlusconi Rising: Episode 7

    On the day of Leo and Veronica's wedding one person is glaringly absent: Silvio Berlusconi, whose government is about to fall. The dream of changing Italy seems to have collapsed forever after only six months.