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Dead Mountain (Dubbed)

Dead Mountain (Dubbed): Episode 4

Season 1, Episode 4 , ,

Up Next in Season 1

  • Dead Mountain (Dubbed): Episode 5

    Tempalov and the searchers examine the scene of the group's death, finding multiple confounding details that inspire different theories. Kostin shows his superiors a report that details strange objects in the sky, and a crucial discovery is made.

  • Dead Mountain (Dubbed): Episode 6

    The group stumbles upon a mysterious man in the woods with suspicious motives. After being questioned by an officer, the hikers seek shelter at a Mansi yurt as a snowstorm approaches. But an incident forces them to leave and brave the storm.

  • Dead Mountain (Dubbed): Episode 7

    After learning about the prison fugitives, Oleg tries to put the pieces together to close the Dyatlov case. Were the hikers murdered? Or does the answer lie in the supernatural? Meanwhile, Oleg decides to confess his feelings for Katya.