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Marcel and Daniel are reunited in a prison cell after Daniel is arrested by the French militia. Directed by Jean-Philippe Amar, 2013.
Up Next in A French Village
A French Village: Stolen Kisses (Sn 3...
Suzanne’s reappearance puts Marcel in a very bad spot with his group leader, who discovers he lied about executing her. Directed by Patrice Martineau, 2012.
A French Village: The Lesson (Februar...
The director of the school is jailed for the illegal possession of a gun, after the occupation receives an anonymous tip. Directed by Olivier Guignard, 2009.
A French Village: What Is Your Name? ...
Yvon is arrested by Heinrich Müller, but refuses to denounce his fellow comrades. Directed by Jean-Marc Brondolo, 2010.